Kids Can Be Expensive! Here Are Some Tax Breaks to Help

Kids can pose challenges from every direction for their parents – feeding times, car seats, sleep schedules, strollers, child care, and of course…taxes! What most parents don’t consider is that these bundles of joy complicate their tax situation. Here are some tax tips that may help: Start a 529 education savings plan. 529 education savings plans…

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The Benefits of Being a Sole Proprietor

Many start-up businesses move from hobby status to a business when they start to make a profit. The tax entity typically used is a sole proprietorship. Taxes on this business activity type flow through your personal tax return on a Schedule C. Here are some benefits to consider if you’re trying to decide if being…

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Oh No! Your Tax Refund is Now a Bill

  Many taxpayers start preparing their tax return with hopes of receiving a sizable refund, only to find out that their actual refund is much smaller than expected — or that they actually owe the federal government money instead! If this happens to you, here are some of the likely reasons: Higher take-home pay. Look at…

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Watch Out For These Unexpected Tax Surprises!

No one likes surprises from the IRS, but they do occasionally happen. Here are some examples of tax situations you could find yourself in and what to do about them. Kids getting older tax surprise. Your children are a wonderful tax deduction if they meet certain qualifications. But as they get older, many child-related deductions fall…

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Save Your Business Time and Money by Getting Organized

Here are some suggestions to help you master the art of documenting and organizing your business now and in the future. Document policies and procedures. Write down daily responsibilities, skills needed to complete tasks related to these responsibilities, and the location of all paper and electronic files. Appoint and cross-train backup staff to ensure these daily…

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Tips to Get Your Finances in Tip-Top Shape

Here are some tips to get your finances in tip-top shape for 2023. Know your net worth. The first step to improving your finances in 2023 is to create a snapshot of your current financial situation. So note all your assets, then subtract all your liabilities (what you owe others) to calculate your net worth.…

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Shrink Your Tax Bill in 2023

    Here are several strategies to consider to shrink your tax bill in 2023. Consider life events. Consider whether any of the following key events may take place in 2023, as they may have potential tax implications: Purchasing or selling a home Refinancing or adding a new mortgage Getting married or divorced Incurring large medical…

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Understanding Tax Credits Versus Deductions

Tax credits are some of the most valuable tools around to help cut your tax bill. But figuring out how to use these credits on your tax return can get complicated very quickly. Here’s what you need to know. Understanding the difference To help illustrate the difference between a credit and a deduction, here is…

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Debt: Gone But Not Forgotten by the IRS

With the ups and downs of our economy over the last 2 years, you may have had a loan or credit card balance forgiven or cancelled by a financial institution. You would think that the cancellation of debt by a credit card company or mortgage company would be a good thing for you and your…

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