Digital Skills for Today’s Kids

The digital revolution is changing the way we think about necessary skills. Being so interconnected digitally, navigating technology, and understanding the basics about how it’s built and how it’s intended to be used is more important than ever for the next generation. Here are several of the top tech skills for kids to consider learning…

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Beware of These Popular Scammer Tactics

As long as the world has people with money, there will be scammers who use fraudulent tactics to try and separate you from your hard-earned cash. Here are some of the more recently-used methods that scammers are using to try and lay claim to your money. One-time passcode (OTP) scams. Many legitimate companies use two-factor authentication…

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Tips to Protect Yourself From Tax Scams

Too many people downplay the threat of identity theft because it hasn’t been witnessed or experienced firsthand. This false sense of security can leave you exposed, especially during tax season. Here are some tips to keep your identity safe from scammers: 1. Be naturally suspicious. Understand that there are people out there trying to get…

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Are You Sharing Too Much Information Online?

In today’s digital age, it is impossible to avoid the internet. Even if you don’t have a computer and actively avoid social media, there is information about you in some corner of the web. Here are some tips to help you manage your digital footprint: Actively manage your security settings. Every app, social media site…

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Useful Online Productivity and Security Tools

Here are several popular free or inexpensive online tools that can help manage and protect your online activities. They range from password management tools to security protection services. Password Managers A decade-old study by Microsoft estimates that the average person memorizes about six passwords and reuses them over and over. Today most people use dozens…

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