The Benefits of Being a Sole Proprietor

Many start-up businesses move from hobby status to a business when they start to make a profit. The tax entity typically used is a sole proprietorship. Taxes on this business activity type flow through your personal tax return on a Schedule C. Here are some benefits to consider if you’re trying to decide if being…

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The New Business Deduction

Stop worrying and start preparing A new deduction is available to businesses with qualified business income (QBI). While that’s great news, new deductions (especially ones with lots of rules) can bring anxiety and confusion. Never fear! Ensuring you receive a maximum deduction will come down to providing the proper information. Here is some knowledge to…

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Business Taxes : Time to Consider Section 179?

Business Taxes - Section 179

Section 179 expensing can be a very powerful planning tool for small- and medium-sized business taxes when acquiring capital assets. While it doesn’t change the amount of depreciation you can take over the life of capital purchase, it can change the timing by allowing you to deduct your purchase in the first year you place…

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