You Owe Us, Not Them! State tax authorities clamp down

  If you work remotely in another state or are thinking about changing your residence from one state to another, you may be caught in the middle of a major state tax audit. If you keep a home in your original state or you later decide to return, you could have even more tax problems.…

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Manage Your Business’s Unemployment Taxes

  As a business owner, you’re required to pay three different types of payroll taxes. 1. FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) is the tax used to fund Social Security and Medicare programs. 2. FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act). Employers pay this federal tax to provide unemployment benefits to laid-off workers. 3. SUTA (State Unemployment Tax…

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Common Tax Mistakes When Selling a Home

With home sales booming throughout much of the country, you may decide that now’s the right time to put your abode on the market. If you do put your primary residence up for sale, try to steer clear of the following mistakes. Not qualifying for the home sale exclusion. If you’ve owned and used your home…

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Taxes: These Basics are for Everyone

  Understanding how our tax system works can be tricky for anyone. Whether you’re an adult who never paid much attention to the taxes being withheld from your paycheck or a kid who just got his or her first job, understanding the basics can help refine and define questions you may have. Many schools don’t…

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Tax Return Review Hints

  Prior to e-filing your tax return, you will need to review it. Here are some suggestions to ensure everything looks right. The Basics Confirm the basics for you, your spouse and your dependents: Double check the name, address, Social Security Numbers and proper identification of dependents that are under age 17 Double check filing status.…

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Tax-Free Roth IRA Withdrawal Options: What every Roth IRA account holder should know

  Withdrawing funds from your retirement accounts must be done carefully to avoid a potential 10% early withdrawal penalty. Unfortunately, each retirement account type has different rules. Here are some tips for Roth IRAs. Roth IRA basics Roth IRA accounts differ from other IRAs in that your contributions are made in after-tax dollars. If you…

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Watch Out! 7 Vacation Costs That Sneak Up on You

Going on vacation is a time to get away, relax and enjoy new experiences. But if you don’t pay close attention, extra costs can sneak up on you like tiny money-stealing ninjas. Here are seven sneaky vacation costs to watch out for: Covert airfare increases. Airline pricing algorithms are programmed to store your browsing history…

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You Know You Need Tax Planning If…

Effective tax planning helps you make smart decisions now to get the future outcome you desire – but you need to make sure you don’t miss anything. Forget to account for one of these situations and your tax plans will go off the rails in a hurry: Getting married or divorced. One plus one does…

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Don’t Leave Your Business Exposed: 5 Insurance Tips to Protect Your Assets and Your Bank Account

Have you conducted a business insurance review lately? Changes in your business equipment, real estate holdings, the amount of inventory, and the number of employees are all good reasons to review your insurance. Here are a few policy review tips to consider: Keep in regular contact with your insurance company. Keep your insurance agent apprised…

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Leasing vs. Buying a Car

There are many reasons for you to lease a car versus buy a car, but too often it is the auto dealer’s profit motive that determines which method you use rather than what’s best for your budget and lifestyle. To help you make an informed decision, here are some things to consider: When to lease…

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