Mastering Inventory: A way to improve your business all the way around

  Mastering inventory levels is a key to many successful and growing businesses. Here are reasons why prioritizing your inventory management is something to consider for your business: Less shrink. Shrinkage represents cash that goes to waste because inventory is damaged, stolen, or past the sell date. Shrink represents an opportunity to improve the inventory control…

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The Home Gain Exclusion: Make Sure You Qualify!

    The home gain exclusion is one of the most generous tax breaks available to taxpayers, providing the ability to exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 married) in capital gains on the sale of your personal residence. Here is what you need to know. Background As long as you own and live in your home…

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Everyone Wants a Piece of Your Income

There is an old wisdom: Put a live frog in hot water and he’ll jump out. Put a live frog in cold water, turn the burner on and you’ll have frog legs for dinner. This wisdom is not lost on some businesses as they know it’s easier to sell you a service once and then…

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Creating Financial Goals as a Couple

Financial goals make it possible for you and your partner to achieve the things you dream about. Here are several action items you can do to create – and achieve – financial goals as a couple: Start talking sooner rather than later. Finances can be hard to talk about. People sometimes feel guilty about debt or…

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Keys to Keeping Great Business Records

Your bookkeeping system is the financial heart and lifeblood of your business. When set up and operating properly, your books help you make smart decisions and seamlessly turn your financial data into useful information. Here are four key characteristics to building and maintaining a healthy bookkeeping system: Select the proper accounting method. There are two different…

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Tips to Get Your Finances in Tip-Top Shape

Here are some tips to get your finances in tip-top shape for 2023. Know your net worth. The first step to improving your finances in 2023 is to create a snapshot of your current financial situation. So note all your assets, then subtract all your liabilities (what you owe others) to calculate your net worth.…

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6 Ways to Cut Your Everyday Expenses

Many people dream of making more money, but cutting expenses can have the same effect.  Identify unnecessary expenses with these six money-saving ideas and help free up some cash: Eliminate late fees. Most late fees are the result of being too busy, traveling or simply forgetting. Fortunately, late fees are almost entirely avoidable if you have…

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Customer Retention Metrics You Need to Know

  Your business’s ability to retain customers is one of the most important components to sustained growth and profitability. Here are the three retention metrics useful for every business owner. Retention rate. Most customer retention is measured over a set period of time, typically one year. To determine your rate, take a look at the number…

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Planning for Future Care: A Financial Dilemma

  Long-term care costs that drain your nest egg is a financial pothole that is hard to avoid. Here are some ideas to help manage this hazard. How much is needed Here’s how much money you’ll need for three different types of senior living arrangements according to Genworth’s 2021 Cost of Care Survey: In-home care…

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