Zombie Payer – Keep Your Automatic Payments In Control

Zombie Payer - Automatic Payments

  When it comes to paying bills, many people can’t imagine returning to paying and sending bills via the U.S. Postal Service. But, the “turn it on and forget it” nature of automatic payments can create zombie payers who no longer challenge or review the details and amounts of bills. Here are some ideas to…

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Tax-Free Income

Yes, that’s correct, there are some forms of income you receive that may be tax-free. Here is a list of ten common sources of tax-free income. Gifts. Gifts you receive are not taxable income to you. In fact, they are not subject to gift tax to the person giving the gift as long as the…

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Finances After the Death of a Loved One

Dealing with Finances after death of a loved one.

The last thing you want to be bothered with when you are grieving is sorting out the finances after the death of your loved one. Here are some suggestions to make the process a little easier. Prioritize. Focus on the most pressing tasks you face. Make sure you have access to the right accounts in order…

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Have You Created An Emergency Records Binder?

emergency records

With weather-related disasters making the news these days, emergency preparedness may be front of mind. You probably have tools to cope with a flat tire, or a hurricane lantern or candles for times when the electricity to your home is interrupted. But have you considered what records you might need if your wallet was stolen?…

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Do You Need A Safe Deposit Box?

Safe-deposit box

Though you may have thought bank safe deposit boxes no longer existed, these secure containers are still around, and can be useful for storing difficult to replace items, such as deeds, contracts, and your home inventory. Should you have one? Here’s what to consider. Peace of mind. Knowing that key original documents are in a…

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Planning To Retire? Consider Transferring Your Business To Your Employees


Dana McGuffin CPA is dedicated to helping increase organization sustainability in the businesses, ministries, and churches we serve. Even the most dedicated small business owners eventually want to retire. But succession planning can be tricky. If a transfer to an outside party isn’t feasible, and many times it is not,  an alternative is to consider…

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Rent Or Buy? It’s A Matter Of Perspective


The buy or lease question is a common dilemma, whether you’re asking as a homeowner, or for your business. For perspective, think of the big picture. In either case, you’re paying for the exclusive use of an item over a set period of time. With that as a point of reference, the difference boils down…

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Teach Your Kids To Use Credit Cards Responsibly

No doubt you have shared the adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” with your children. That caution is wise, especially when teaching your kids how to use credit cards responsibly, because misuse of credit can have a long-term impact on financial health. The main lesson you want to impart:…

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Consider The Financial Impact Of A Job Transition

Are you ready to begin a job search or launch a career transition? Here are suggestions to manage your finances wisely before making the change to new employment. Plan your income stream. Check for a gap in pay dates and make plans to have enough savings set aside to tide you over. Include increased commuting…

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What’s Your Personal Net Worth?

Personal Net Worth

Net worth is a familiar term, but you may not calculate or watch it in the same way you track your income. Yet personal net worth is a valuable measurement tool for overseeing your financial success. In a nutshell, net worth is total assets less total liabilities, such as debts. Here’s an example. Say your…

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