Make Your Hiring Process a Success!

Whether you’re a sole proprietor ready to hire your first employee, or you already have employees and think you’re ready to hire your next team member, here’s a two-step process to help make your hiring process a success!

Step #1: Define your needs

Long before you start interviewing, think carefully about why you need an employee and how you’re going to work with the new hire. Do you need someone to bring new skills that the business is lacking? Filling a vacated position? Or are you looking for someone to share your workload and free up your time?

If you’re looking for specific skills, perhaps a fractional hire or a consultant can fill your need.

Remember that hiring an employee will also create new challenges to take up your time – payroll, employment regulations, tax reporting, benefits, and so on.

Other questions to consider:

  • Will your new employee be part-time or full-time?
  • Will he or she work under your direct supervision, or will you delegate responsibility to your new hire?
  • Are you prepared for the challenge of giving up hands-on control over part of your business?

Think hard about these issues until you have a very clear idea of what you want from your new employee.

Step #2: Find the right person

Once you’ve defined the role you want your next employee to fill, the second step in your hiring process is to find the right person.

You and your new employee will be working closely together, so good personal chemistry is essential. Think about possible candidates whose work you know, perhaps employees of your suppliers or other businesses you deal with. Interview thoroughly, check references, and above all, trust your intuition.

Hiring employees is always fraught with uncertainty and challenges. But you can increase your chances for success by defining what you need from this employee, then looking for the right person.


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