Everyone Knows Someone Who Missed the Boat

 This year’s April 18 tax deadline has come and gone, but not everyone has filed a 2016 tax return. Some have missed the boat!  Many taxpayers who should file simply do not. Common culprits are older, retired parents, and young adults who are new to tax filing requirements. Here are just a few reasons these taxpayers should consider filing a tax return.

Get withholdings. People who work but earn less than the required filing threshold may need to file a tax return so they can get back any withholdings their employer has taken out of their paycheck.

This happens because many taxpayers focus on the income threshold required to file a tax return and forget to look at their W-2 to see if money was taken out of their paycheck.

Get refundable credits. There are a number of refundable or partially refundable tax credits, such as the earned income tax credit and the additional child tax credit, that are only available if you file a tax return. Refundable credits are special because they come off the top of your tax bill and can even reduce it below zero. In that case, you’d get the amount of the credit back in a refund check from the IRS.

Help apply for loans or financial aid. Many banks or colleges will ask to see your tax return information to help you qualify for loans or financial aid. Filing a tax return, even if you’re not required to, will help support your application.

Protect yourself. Often identity thieves file false returns to try to collect illicit refunds from the IRS. One target is people who don’t usually file a return. By filing even a simple return, you can shut down this attempt at fraud by identity thieves.

You may know someone who hasn’t filed and who needs help doing so. If so, feel free to pass on this article and suggest they get in touch for a consultation.

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