Shrink Your Tax Bill in 2023

    Here are several strategies to consider to shrink your tax bill in 2023. Consider life events. Consider whether any of the following key events may take place in 2023, as they may have potential tax implications: Purchasing or selling a home Refinancing or adding a new mortgage Getting married or divorced Incurring large medical…

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Oh No! Your Tax Refund is Now a Bill

If you are anticipating a nice refund this year, it may be a good idea to prepare yourself for a possible letdown. Many taxpayers will receive a smaller-than-expected refund and might even owe taxes to be paid by April 15. If this happens to you, here are some of the likely reasons: Higher take-home pay.…

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5 Finance Tips Everyone Wishes They Had Followed

Sadly, it usually takes hard-won experience and costly mistakes to really internalize good financial advice. Here are some of the top five things we all wish we knew and followed earlier in life: Pay yourself first Paying yourself first means taking a percentage of everything you earn and saving it. Consider it as important as…

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