The Benefits of Being a Sole Proprietor

Many start-up businesses move from hobby status to a business when they start to make a profit. The tax entity typically used is a sole proprietorship. Taxes on this business activity type flow through your personal tax return on a Schedule C. Here are some benefits to consider if you’re trying to decide if being…

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Retirement Plan Options for Small Business Owners

Offering a retirement plan can be a powerful tool when you’re competing to attract the best employees. And if you’re a sole proprietor, a retirement account can help you save even more money for the future. Here are some of the most popular retirement options for small business owners, along with ways to help with…

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Everyone Wants a Piece of Your Income

There is an old wisdom: Put a live frog in hot water and he’ll jump out. Put a live frog in cold water, turn the burner on and you’ll have frog legs for dinner. This wisdom is not lost on some businesses as they know it’s easier to sell you a service once and then…

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