Reduce Fraud In Your Business With Prevention Strategies


When it comes to fraud, the old adage about a small amount of prevention being worth a large amount of cure is spot on. Investing in prevention methods can be more cost-effective than spending time and money on clean-up after a fraud has been detected. Here are suggestions to help prevent fraud in two key…

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Deter Identity Theft with Fraud Alerts and Security Freezes

Fraud Alert

If a fraudster steals your identity, you may find yourself embarking on an unpleasant journey to recover your good name and pilfered finances. Fortunately, tools are available to prevent and minimize potential losses. Here are two options to consider if you suspect your personal data has landed in the wrong hands. Fraud alert. Say you…

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Post 5 of 5: How to Prevent Fraud In Your Business

How to Prevent Fraud in Your Business

In our 4th post on fraud, we covered the opportunities for fraud in a business. After covering material that is negative in many ways, let’s discuss something positive: How to PREVENT fraud in your business! Separation of Duties Separation of duties is a cornerstone concept of accounting. In a small business, this critical separation can be…

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