Tips to Protect Your Social Security Number

Very few things in life can create a higher degree of stress than having your Social Security number (SSN) stolen. This is because, unlike other forms of identification, your SSN is virtually permanent. Here are some things that you can do to minimize the risk of having your number fall into the hands of the…

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How to Correct Common Financial Mistakes

You’re working at the office, getting stuff done around the house, or hanging out with family when – wham! – a phone call, email or text alerts you that something is wrong with your finances. When a negative financial event hits, don’t let it take you down. Here are some common mistakes and steps to…

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Tips to Protect Yourself From Tax Scams

Too many people downplay the threat of identity theft because it hasn’t been witnessed or experienced firsthand. This false sense of security can leave you exposed, especially during tax season. Here are some tips to keep your identity safe from scammers: 1. Be naturally suspicious. Understand that there are people out there trying to get…

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It’s Your Money. Get it Back NOW!

According to Credit Karma, over $40 BILLION of unclaimed property is currently being held by state governments. That’s a staggering amount of money – enough to buy half of the National Football League franchises. Not included in that figure is property sitting with federal agencies and other organizations. So what exactly is unclaimed property and…

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Fraud? Negligence? Know the Difference!

Each year the IRS opens thousands of investigations looking for possible tax fraud. In 2017 alone, the Criminal Investigation (CI) arm of the IRS identified $2.5 billion in potential tax fraud with a 91.5 percent conviction rate. While the IRS takes tax fraud seriously, they also understand that mistakes happen. Here is what you need…

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Protect Yourself From Port-Out Scams

Mobile phones not only contain our personal details and information about everyone we know; they are used to verify our identities and unlock access to our financial accounts. Now scammers are using a process called a “port-out” to hack into our phones to change our passwords, steal our personal data and even empty our bank…

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Know The IRS’s “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams

Every year the IRS releases its “Dirty Dozen” list of the year’s most prevalent tax scams. They include ploys to steal personal information, talk people out of money, or engage in questionable tax activity. Here are some of the top scams: Phishing. Fake emails or websites claiming to represent the IRS, for the purpose of…

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Reduce Fraud In Your Business With Prevention Strategies


When it comes to fraud, the old adage about a small amount of prevention being worth a large amount of cure is spot on. Investing in prevention methods can be more cost-effective than spending time and money on clean-up after a fraud has been detected. Here are suggestions to help prevent fraud in two key…

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Deter Identity Theft with Fraud Alerts and Security Freezes

Fraud Alert

If a fraudster steals your identity, you may find yourself embarking on an unpleasant journey to recover your good name and pilfered finances. Fortunately, tools are available to prevent and minimize potential losses. Here are two options to consider if you suspect your personal data has landed in the wrong hands. Fraud alert. Say you…

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Post 4 of 5: Opportunities for Fraud

Opportunities for Fraud

In our 3rd post on fraud, we discussed 3 Key Elements of Fraud in any Business. To recap, the first two elements were: Pressure Rationalization Opportunity is the third element and what we are going to focus on today. Opportunity, or a favorable juncture of circumstances, is the element over which employers have the most control after the employee…

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