Tips to Turn Buying a Home into a Reality

Homeownership seems more out of reach than ever for many Americans, especially for those who have been waiting for real estate prices to drop. But there are still multiple ways to buy a home right now, or to position yourself for a future purchase. Build up your down payment. The higher real estate prices climb, the…

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Creating Financial Goals as a Couple

Financial goals make it possible for you and your partner to achieve the things you dream about. Here are several action items you can do to create – and achieve – financial goals as a couple: Start talking sooner rather than later. Finances can be hard to talk about. People sometimes feel guilty about debt or…

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Tips to Get Your Finances in Tip-Top Shape

Here are some tips to get your finances in tip-top shape for 2023. Know your net worth. The first step to improving your finances in 2023 is to create a snapshot of your current financial situation. So note all your assets, then subtract all your liabilities (what you owe others) to calculate your net worth.…

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5 Finance Tips Everyone Wishes They Had Followed

Sadly, it usually takes hard-won experience and costly mistakes to really internalize good financial advice. Here are some of the top five things we all wish we knew and followed earlier in life: Pay yourself first Paying yourself first means taking a percentage of everything you earn and saving it. Consider it as important as…

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