Al Capone, Aunt Becky, Tax Fraud and You! How you can learn from high-profile tax scandals.

The recent college admission scandal involving Lori Loughlin (who played Aunt Becky in the Full House TV series) and others is shedding light on just one way people allegedly cheat on their taxes. Here are examples of some famous people in tax trouble with the IRS and helpful hints to make sure it doesn’t happen…

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Reduce Fraud In Your Business With Prevention Strategies


When it comes to fraud, the old adage about a small amount of prevention being worth a large amount of cure is spot on. Investing in prevention methods can be more cost-effective than spending time and money on clean-up after a fraud has been detected. Here are suggestions to help prevent fraud in two key…

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Post 5 of 5: How to Prevent Fraud In Your Business

How to Prevent Fraud in Your Business

In our 4th post on fraud, we covered the opportunities for fraud in a business. After covering material that is negative in many ways, let’s discuss something positive: How to PREVENT fraud in your business! Separation of Duties Separation of duties is a cornerstone concept of accounting. In a small business, this critical separation can be…

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