Watch Out For These Unexpected Tax Surprises!

No one likes surprises from the IRS, but they do occasionally happen. Here are some examples of tax situations you could find yourself in and what to do about them. Kids getting older tax surprise. Your children are a wonderful tax deduction if they meet certain qualifications. But as they get older, many child-related deductions fall…

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Is Your Worker a Contractor or an Employee?

Is a worker an independent contractor or an employee? This seemingly simple question is often the contentious subject of numerous IRS audits. As an employer, getting this wrong could cost you plenty in the way of Social Security, Medicare and other employment-related taxes. Here is what you need to know. As the worker: If you…

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What is a 1099 and Who Should Receive a 1099?

Who Should Receive a 1099?

What is a Form 1099-MISC? And who should receive a 1099? IRS Form 1099-MISC summarizes income from all non-employee compensation. It’s what independent contractors use to calculate and file taxes. You must send out a Form 1099-MISC to all contractors you’ve hired and paid more than $600 during the year; this includes any partnerships or…

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Independent Contractor or Employee – The Distinction Matters to the IRS

If you’re a business owner, you have financial incentive to want to classify workers as independent contractors rather than as employees. For example, you’re required to withhold and pay taxes on employee wages, and you may need to offer employee benefits such as paid time off and pension contributions. None of these are required with…

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